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【16】[株式会社みらい創造機構 Innovations and Future Creation Inc.]ブース

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・ 2016年に東京工業大学と社会連携活動の推進に向けた組織的連携協定を締結し、東工大関連ベンチャーキャピタルファンドを設立・運営しております。
・JST START事業の事業プロモーターとして活動している他、GTIE協力機関、メンターを務める等、研究段階から起業後の資金調達、ハンズオンまで、技術の社会実装に伴走しています。

・In 2016, we concluded an agreement regarding organizational collaboration and cooperation to make more efficient use of university research outcomes in society, and have established and managed a venture capital fund related to Tokyo Tech.
・In the second fund, established in 2021, we are expanding the scope of investment to include technical college-related ventures in addition to Tokyo Tech-related ventures. So far, we have invested in 42 R&D startups, mainly Tokyo Tech-related ventures, and three companies have been listed.
・Through activities such as business promoter for JST START and mentor for GTIE, we accompany the social implementation of technology from the research stage to post-startup funding and hands-on activities.
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