Schedule adjustment method

Schedule a meeting with attendees

Supports schedule adjustment for meetings with attendees
Automatic list of schedule candidates that everyone can participate in

Instantly list the latest schedule candidates that all attendees can participate in

Instant list of the latest schedule candidates that all attendees can participate in

Instantly and automatically list schedule candidates that all attendees can participate in. Since the meeting partner chooses the schedule from them, there is no need for temporary holding work.

Automatically register appointments in the calendars of all attendees

When the schedule adjustment is completed, the schedule is automatically registered in the calendar of all the attendees.

Automatically register appointments in the calendars of all attendees
You can specify who you want to be present for each schedule adjustment calendar

People who want to be present can be specified for each
schedule adjustment calendar

You can set attendees for each schedule adjustment calendar.
You can set according to your schedule, such as "Meeting is Mr. A and Mr. B" and "Interview is Mr. B, Mr. C and Mr. D".

Ideal for scheduling hiring interviews and business negotiations with attendees

TimeRex, which can automate the scheduling of meetings with attendees, is often used in hiring interviews and business negotiations.

Ideal for scheduling hiring interviews and business negotiations with attendees